

  let's talk about the nokia innate first the innate wasn't the first wellman pixel camera phone and there were others such as the stony eriksen statue before it but when it was introduced in twenty ten it brought about some amazing changes to ,the ,smartphone ,camera world. it features a large twelve meter pixel one by one point eight three censor with calcium optics xenon flash mechanical shutter as well as an enemy filter that will take effect ,in those overly bright situations. all that is very impressive even by today's standards but the f two point eight per chair is less so most phones now have larger purchases even on the telephone or lens is now password to twenty nineteen and you have the iphone eleven pro max which has a primary twelve ,max ,five ,point eight camera. with optical image stabilization i'll tell you four to twelve map pixel camera with o s and x focal length f to aperture and finally a twelve map pixel f two point four ultra wide angle camera th